Tuesday, March 24, 2020

ACT Website Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace

ACT Website Online ACT Prep Online Tutoring Tutorpace ACT, also known as American College Testing is the assessment test for high school students who want to gain admission in the colleges and universities in the United States. During the admission process for a student into a college, ACT scores help the colleges in recognizing the academic knowledge of the student. In order to be pay the fee for ACT there are different methods. However, the fastest method is the online method where students can create an account for free on the ACT website and can check out all the further information regarding paying the fees, instructions for the test etc. ACT website is the official student website where lots of information is given regarding the test pattern, time availability, test dates etc. The official ACT student website is www.actstudent.org. In this website, students can look at some of the practice questions for ACT exam, and can find out lots of information regarding the test format, test prices etc. In order to pay the fee for the ACT test, students can first register online for free on ACT official website and can create their account and complete the registration process by simply following the instructions shown on the website. ACT exam is given including and without including the Writing section. So students who prefer to get their scores including the Writing section can pay few additional dollars including the usual test fee. Therefore, students can look at different options available to them by registering on the website.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Teach ICT

How to Teach ICT How do You Become an IT Teacher or Find IT Tutor Jobs Chapters How Can You Find Students for Computer Science Classes? What Price Should You Charge for IT Lessons? Do You Need Qualifications to Teach IT Courses? How to Prepare your IT Classes?With computer technology becoming a bigger and bigger part of our everyday lives, it’s hardly surprising that more and more jobs that make use of the computer as a productivity tool and everyone should at least learn some basic computer skills like using Microsoft Office or improving their typing.A lot of people want to learn more about computers and improve their digital literacy but don't want to take group computer classes.Are you an IT technician, programmer, student, or instructor? Would you like to give IT or computing classes?Whether it’s to earn a little extra money each month or as your main job, deciding to teach computer basics or advanced computer training can leave you asking yourself a lot of fundamental questions about teaching.To help you in this endeavour, here are some of the things you should keep in mind when starting out on private IT tutor jobs and teaching computer courses.If you want to teach computer tutorials, the first thing you need to do is start searching for students. You’ll need to let people know that you’re a private tutor and start networking.There’s a lot of demand for tutors since IT tools are everywhere nowadays and children in the UK learn to use computer hardware as part of the national curriculum. Make sure your computer skills are up to the challenge.You’ll quickly find your first students. From students to seniors and amateurs to professionals, there are plenty of people who want to learn how to use computers and, since computers are constantly evolving, there’s constantly demand.Where should you start when looking for students? (pixabay.com)To find your first students, there are a few options for you:Word of mouth: this is an easy solution that’s often very effective. Speak to your friends, family, and work colleague s. They can give your details to people in their network and tell them that you’re giving private IT tutorials. Later on, your own students will recommend you to their friends and family. It’s important to make sure that they’re happy with their tutorials and that you offer quality tutorials.Advertise in local businesses: this is another way to make people aware that you’re offering tutorials, place adverts in local businesses and on noticeboards. What are the advantages? You’ll find students who live near you or are easy to travel to. You should make clear and readable adverts with important information such as what you do and how you can be contacted.Sites dedicated to private tutorials like Superprof:  in just a few clicks, you can create your profile and let the internet know that you’re ready to teach. You'll benefit from increased visibility and you can reach a large audience of potential students. You can also choose your rates and the content of your tutorials. O n Superprof, for example, there’s no fees for contacting students.Specialist organisations for private tutorials:  you don’t have to look for your students. These organisations will ask for you when they need a tutor to give private IT tutorials. On the other hand, they often take commission on your private tutorials.Make your own website: Is making websites also what you teach? You could create a site dedicated to your work as a private tutor on WordPress. Either a web page or a blog could help you attract potential customers.As you can see, there are plenty of different ways to find new students.Don’t forget that you can choose more than one method at the same time to increase your chances of finding students. What Price Should You Charge for IT Lessons?The second thing you need to do when starting as a private IT tutor is work out your rates.This is an important criterion when students choose a tutor. However, it’s certainly not the only one. When they start looking for a tutor, they’ll compare several different tutors before they end up making their choice. When there are several identical offerings, they’ll often use the price to determine which one they’ll choose.Before you decide upon your rates, you should look at your competition to see what the going rates for private IT tutorials are for those with your experience and in your area. A good price doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s low. You want to look credible to your future students.So what are the criteria that you should consider when setting the rates for your private IT tutorials?The type of tutorials: beginners classes, browsing the internet, studying for exams, programming languages, app development, cyber security, or office IT skills like creating an Excel spreadsheet or making Microsoft Powerpoint presentations, etc. The type of classes you’re offering will determine your rates as they don’t all require the same amount of experience or preparation.The competition: as w e said before, you need to be competitive. You should look at the other tutors your customers will look at when choosing you and make sure that your rates are competitive.Place: maybe you’re going to give an introduction to computers over the internet or help those new to desktop computers a face-to-face tutorial. It's important to make sure that your rates are reflective of the cost of living and comparable to the rates of other tutors in the area.The students: you can’t ask for the same rates from a senior citizen learning how to use a computer as you would for someone learning complex programming languages.Your CV: your rates will vary depending on your qualifications and your experience in the field. The more qualified and experienced you are, the more you can ask for. You wouldn't pay the same for self-taught tutor teaching you how to use your computer as you would an IT technician with all the relevant qualifications and years of experience.Before you fix the rates for you r tutorials, have a look around and do a bit of research on sites like Superprof. You’ll quickly see what the average rates are and you’ll be able to find a fair rate for your tutorials.You should also keep in mind your expenses when providing private tutorials (materials, travel, etc.). Remember that in order to make sure your tutorials last, your rates need to be profitable as well as affordable for your customers. Do You Need Qualifications to Teach IT Courses?You don’t need a formal qualification to give private IT tutorials. At least not legally speaking.  However, not having a certification will make it harder to prove to potential customers that you have the skills you say you do when you first introduce yourself.Everyone nowadays needs to know how to use computers. (pixabay.com)Of course, tutorials on computer basics require fewer qualifications than advanced computer training and you probably won't even need a degree in IT to teach certain basic skills and computer li teracy to beginners.  Professional experience can help, though. You need to reassure your future students that you’re capable of teaching a personal computer class effectively. Don’t forget that your professional experience can affect how much you can charge for tutorials, too. It’s therefore important that if you want to teach private IT tutorials as your main job, you should probably have official proof that you can do just that:This doesn’t mean that you need to do a degree. There are other qualifications available.You should consider teaching qualifications, too. It’s pretty pointless having plenty of experience in IT but not the skills to transfer all this knowledge. A good tutor needs to be a good educator. There are private tutorials available in teacher training if you need to improve your teaching skills.Etc.If you don’t have a qualification, there’s nothing stopping you getting a job as a tutor. There are training centres and academic support organisations th at hire a wide range of different employees. You’ll have to prove yourself, but if you have the experience, it’s definitely a route you should consider going down. You could even open your own training centre.  Of course, before you do anything, you should make sure you do your research. How to Prepare your IT Classes?Before you give your first private tutorials, you’ll need to prepare them.  Not only do you need to have a good understanding of your student’s level, their expectations, and their needs, but you also need to make sure that they have the equipment required.It’s important that your students get the most out of every hour they spend with you.Before giving IT tutorials, it's important to check your students have the essential equipment. (Source: negativespace.co)Here is what you need to think about when preparing your IT tutorials:The IT materials: a computer as well as specific programmes related to the tutorials you’re teaching (spreadsheets, word processing , database management, etc.) You should offer to help your students install the programmes they’ll need.The content of the tutorials: organise your tutorials so that they focus on a given point and consolidate it before moving on to other topics.The resources needed: make sure you prepare resources that will help your student remember what you’re teaching them so that you won’t have to go back over it during their next lesson.Practical exercises: in IT, it’s very easy to learn by doing. This is the best way to learn, in fact. Prepare exercises that will have your student putting what they learn into practice.When you prepare your private tutorials, you should also look for teaching resources that you can download. You can integrate these into your tutorials so that your student gets the most out of their lessons. Preparing lessons takes a lot of time in comparison to group lessons but that’s why students pick private tutorials, because they’re tailored to them.If you wan t to give private tutorials online over Skype, for example, you should also invest in a quality dedicated webcam and microphone. The webcam built into your laptop probably won't cut it.Online tutorials over webcam are a useful solution for those who can’t travel very far or who’d like to reach students across a wider area.By following this advice, you’ll quickly become a trusted and quality private tutor: you just need to choose the types of courses you want to provide and find your first students. You should consider offering free computer instruction for the first hour so that you and the learner can get to know each other.

Think Self-Promotion Feels Sleazy I Did Too, Until I Discovered This... - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Think Self-Promotion Feels Sleazy I Did Too, Until I Discovered This... - Introvert Whisperer Think Self-Promotion Feels Sleazy? I Did Too, Until I Discovered This When you mention self-promotion to most Introverts, visions of obnoxious, loudmouth blowhards dance through their heads. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? I know, I used to think that way as well. Those people are usually hard to ignore. Yet while those people will continue to annoy us, you need to know a very important fact that I discovered coming up through the ranks. That fact? Authentic, superb self-promotion happens all the time, and you usually don’t notice it. Yes, that’s right. The best self-promotion isn’t the sleazy, icky stuff you notice. I don’t even know what to call that. (Bragging? Air sandwich?) The best self-promotion has several characteristics to it, and once you understand those, you can advance your professional cause without needing to take a shower. Here’s what the very best self-promotion is all about: It’s fact-based information. You don’t stand around and extol your many virtues. You’re providing hardcore information. Wording is important. When you lace your talk with too many “me” words, you’re bragging. Focus on the team or the task. (Doesn’t this start making all sorts of sense now?) Focus on your audience. What do the people out there in your universe want or need to know about your accomplishments? Being smart about what you say and whom you say it to is a key to authentic self-promotion. You’re performing a service. Part of your job is to communicate. That means you do need to be providing information to others about what and how you are doing. It helps others. Exploit your expertise. We all are rock stars at something. Let it be known and reinforce it by using it generously to support others. (Click here to tweet this thought.) Don’t make the boss pull information out of you. Because they won’t. You need to be forthcoming with your accomplishments on an ongoing basis. How else will they figure out what you’re doing? No, your great work won’t speak for itself. I hear this way too often. You have to let others know what great work you do so they know and benefit from it. Don’t make your career growth any tougher than it needs to be. You have to promote yourself throughout your entire career, and you can do it just like I did it makes a huge difference. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. What else about self-promotion bothers you? Share your thoughts in the comments! Image: Flickr

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Avail Added Advantages While Cracking Exams with Online Statistics Tutor

Avail Added Advantages While Cracking Exams with Online Statistics Tutor 0SHARESShare With rapidly increasing reach of the internet, life on all fronts has got easier and simpler. Needless to say, internet has drastically changed the ways people have been getting and imparting education. Today, utilizing the online tutoring advantages, any student who is in need of an online statistics tutor can get it without moving out of his or her house. A very discouraging aspect of the classroom teaching is that one can’t dare to change or rewind his or her tutor while losing the right and effective way. So many times, it is also observed that suffering students can’t raise their voice against the way they have been teaching with. It may be due to their shyness or fear from their traditional teachers. As a result, the whole situation becomes highly embarrassing for the budding minds. This situation can be overcome by having an access to the personalized online statistics tutor. There are online tutor bureaus available on the internet that offer experienced tutors who can help you gain a control on your own pace of learning. One of the significant advantages of online tutoring lies in stopping and rewinding the teacher if students are not finding themselves unable to understand the things they are being explained. One more amazing thing about getting an statistics assignment help  is that the tutor never gets frustrated at any step during the entire process. Therefore, it is both advisable and recommendable to go for an online tutor and learning statistics with a whole new approach. Online tutoring is not only confined to the convenience, comfort and affordability, its utility goes far beyond that. The interactive learning sessions, one-on-one attention, limitless opportunities for revision and freedom from group tutoring are some of the added advantages that students can avail of. [starbox id=admin]

Making the Most of School

Making the Most of School School is obviously a place for learning, but the experience is so much more than just classes and books. Through school, children learn about how to become independent people, how to work with others, the importance of discipline and more. In many ways, school is what your child makes of itand the more effort he or she puts in, the more equipped your child will be for college and life success. Here are several ways your child can make the most of school and the overall experience: Get to know teachers. It may sound obvious, but both you and your child should spend time getting to know his or her teachers. They are your first point of contact at school and the people to turn to when needing help or guidance. Reach out to these individuals early in the school year and stay in touchand encourage your child to do the same. A positive, communicative relationship with your childs teachers will provide your child with the support needed to learn effectively. Take advantage of the wealth of resources available. When your child is young, make sure you are in contact with the appropriate school staff members who can help your child acquire needed skills and stay engaged in the classroom. These people might include the librarian, gifted/talented specialist or reading specialist. As your child grows older, encourage him or her to take the initiative to seek out help when needed. Your child should always talk to teachers when questions or problems arise, as they can work with your child individually and make sure his or her needs are being met. Look for character-building opportunities. Getting involved at school will benefit your child in numerous ways. Extracurricular activities are not only a wonderful way for children to get to know other students and have fun, they promote leadership skills, build organizational and time management skills, teach collaboration with all different types of people and teach children to balance multiple responsibilities outside of school. Seek out a mentor. When your child is in high school, encourage him or her to find a teacher or coach who can serve as an informal mentor. Mentors can play an important role in a students support system in high school and can serve as a sounding board and confidant. They can help students navigate challenges and set goals, push them to advocate for themselves, and even offer college and career advice. Keep college and career top of mind. It is never too soon to start thinking about collegeand your childs primary and secondary school experiences lay the foundation for college and adulthood. Talk with your child about college from a young age and discuss different careers that might be of interest one day. Your child should talk with teachers and mentors about college and careers as well. Dont forget to take advantage of any opportunities offered by your school or community for students to learn about college and the application process or explore careers. A well-rounded school experience should include more than just the academics, so teach your child to make the most of school by utilizing resources available, seeking out help when needed, building relationships with teachers and others, and getting involved. As a bonus, youll find that by teaching your child to look for ways to enhance the school experience, you are encouraging independence, maturity, and self-advocacy. Teach your child today to make the most of school, and he or she will undoubtedly apply that same assiduous attitude in college and beyond.

Summer at AJ Academic Tutoring

Summer at AJ Academic Tutoring The summer is the perfect time to get a jump start on the school year or engage with interesting academic material. At AJ Tutoring, we are delighted to offer a variety of summer tutoring options to meet the unique needs and goals of each student.Did you struggle in a course this year? Preparing for your first AP or Honors course? Struggling with test-taking skills? Needing an extra challenge? Let our team of academic experts craft a tailored 1-on-1 plan or simply choose a course from the list we’ve created here.To help imagine the possibilities, read on to find a few examples of what can be done over the summer.Budding Biologist Preparing for the Next Next LevelLana really enjoyed biology as a freshman. So much in fact, that she studied some of the units more in depth on her own, watched documentaries about biology online, and is even considering majoring in the subject in college! Though she felt confident with her understanding of the regular curriculum, her sophomore friends alw ays talked about how tough the AP curriculum was. As a sophomore, she’ll be taking the AP Biology course and, in May, the AP Biology exam. At AJ Tutoring, our biology experts are highly knowledgeable about the challenging but standardized and predictable AP curriculum. Many students look to bridge their understanding of key biology concepts ahead of the AP course. We would suggest that Lana meet with a biology tutor on a weekly basis to gain a foreknowledge of the curriculum and start to introduce crucial ideas that she will learn in class. Click here to learn more about our AP Biology Summer Bridge!Rising Junior Juggling Challenging Subjects and Test PrepJay loved sophomore year, but felt overwhelmed at times. With water polo practice, chess club meetings, and AP English Language assignments, Jay rarely had a spare moment. Next year, he’ll have to take the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. He should also probably start thinking about which colleges he’ll apply toThe extracurricular engagem ents won’t let up: in fact, he’ll be on varsity next year and probably even more involved than this year! What’s more, he’s planning on taking three AP courses: AP Chemistry, AP English Literature, and AP Environmental Science. Sounds like it’s going to be a busy year!To relieve some stress for his future self, we’d suggest that Jay select a couple of upcoming classes or tests and start to explore them this summer. For example, Jay might meet with a tutor regularly as part of an AP Chemistry Summer Bridge so that he feels really prepared for fall semester. In addition, Jay might sign up for a PSAT preparation to build a foundation of key test-taking skills so that SAT and ACT prep in the spring will be less of a time commitment. Middle School Athlete Building Math ConfidenceJessie is a talented soccer player who practices the sport just about every day of the year. Over the summer, it’s all about workouts, training, and tournaments. Because of this, there’s not much time left for tutoring, and what time there is depends on a constantly-changing sports schedule!In 7th grade, math was a serious challenge. Though she worked hard and spent extra time reviewing her introductory algebra lessons, some of the concepts just couldn’t stick. Jessie did well enough in 7th grade, but she wants to do even better next year and feel more confident.Because AJ Tutoring specializes in 1-on-1 tutoring, we can create a customized plan and schedule to help Jessie build confidence and competence with math this summer. We’d recommend that she meet with a math expert each week for an hour and that she also fit in a bit of extra work before the next session. That said, the session times could be scheduled flexibly, and the homework assignments can be planned with empathy and to match Jessie’s calendar.If Jessie is travelling for most of the summer, it might make sense to hone in on math for a couple weeks as part of an intensive middle school math boot camp.No mat ter your starting point, AJ Tutoring is here to help! To learn more about how we can help or to sign up for summer tutoring, reach out to us today!

How to Succeed If You Have To Cram For A Test

How to Succeed If You Have To Cram For A Test You should always do everything within your power to avoid cramming for a test: schedule study time every week, partner with someone who will keep you accountable, visit the teacher during office hours to ask questions about the material - whatever it takes. However, there are some times where you simply run out of time, and if you're reading this post, you're probably in that situation. Here are your best bets for success when studying the day before an exam. Keep your energy up The body needs fuel, but caffeine and junk food won't improve your learning curve. In fact, you'll study better if you don't eat much sugar at all. You don't want to crash, so consume high protein snacks and plenty of water if you're hungry while hitting the books. If you are craving something sweet, eat a piece of fruit or dark chocolate. Change the scene With the multitude of distractions available in your apartment or dorm, a new environment may actually improve your retention. Take your essentials somewhere with fewer temptations to slack off. Coffee shops, bookstores, the library, or a quiet lounge on campus might work. Set up somewhere with a minimum of distractions where you can concentrate without interruptions or being asked to move. Find safety in numbers If you have already established a study group, you'll have an easy time finding someone to study with the night before a test. If your class has set up an informal directory, reach out and find someone to work with. You learn how much you know - or don't - best when you have to describe concepts to another person aloud. A duo, or team, can better determine what you need to cover. Plus, you can quiz one another as you review the material. Put it in writing Rewriting your notes can be a great study method. However, writing does not mean copying notes verbatim, but rephrasing, condensing, and changing the order of the material. Halving the length of your notes forces you to find out what the highlights are and increases the efficiency of your studying. Also, writing items out may cement the concepts in your memory more effectively than re-reading them. As you review your notes, arrange them in digestible groups instead of attacking all the material at once. Take a break If you have all day to study, take 20- to 30-minute breaks. If you only have the evening before the exam, take a ten-minute break every hour. During the break, stretch, take a walk, or get a snack. Once you get in this habit, you may find that you are concentrating 80 percent of the time, instead of being distracted and studying during only half of your scheduled time - a 30 percent increase in efficiency. Prioritise It's past the point when you can stuff every detail of the term into your head, so make sure that you are clear on the major concepts. Move on to the details only once you are certain that you know the most important material. If you are reviewing a text, read the first chapter, the final chapter, and the first and last paragraphs of the intervening chapters. Sleep on it You will likely perform better if you are reasonably well-rested. Try to get up two hours before the test so you aren't trying to recall the data-jam of the night before while you're still in snooze mode. Keep in mind that over-caffeinating as you study can decrease your performance by limiting your ability to sleep. Snacking too late in the evening can also be harmful.